Gerobak Mandiri Sejahtera with Hendy Setiono Foundation and PT. Baba Rafi Indonesia


19 January 2020

Gerobak Mandiri Sejahtera or called GEMAS is the Gerobak Mandiri Sahabat Partner Program Mustahiq Sejahtera. PT Baba Rafi Indonesia and Hendy Setiono Foundation (HSF)  gave contribution to Mrs. Sugiarti and Ms Rusima to help them lead their business venture.

Mrs. Sugiarti was a seller of ice cream, snacks, and food in Jalan Sawentar, Surabaya. During this time, she was selling only with a table borrowed from her neighbors. Likewise, with Mrs. Rusima a roasted corn seller who previously sold using an old pedicab in front of her residence in the Klakahrejo area. She only had an old pedicab as a stall, during rain she had to cover her goods to avoid them being wet.

With a cart provided by Sahabat Mustahiq and support from PT. Baba Rafi Indonesia and the Hendy Setiono Foundation, we hope to ease the burden and provide more energy to work. Hopefully in the future PT. Baba Rafi Indonesia, together with the Hendy Setiono Foundation can reach out more and help those around us who are in need.